10 SEO Myths you need to know:

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10 SEO Myths you need to know:

If you run a website or handle Internet marketing tasks you may be wondering what it takes to succeed using modern SEO. Every major industry has a wide range of misconceptions about it and top SEO experts have encountered a number of common myths associated with SEO that we will list in this article. Here are the top 10 SEO myths that you need to know:

 SEO offers fair competition:

The competition with SEO is intense and it doesn’t leave much room for every website to compete for the same number of search engine queries. SEO hasn’t been fair for many years and the companies that have a leg up in the process of SEO are the ones that have been working on their campaigns over time.

SEO tasks only need to be undertaken once:

SEO isn’t something that you can set and forget. It’s an ongoing process that takes time to get right. SEO is truly an effort that’s ongoing and it requires some periodic work to do correctly. Your SEO efforts need to be regularly improved and monitored and this means regularly checking in on your page performance as well as how users are accessing your website.

SEO is just backlinks:

Backlinks equate to just one small part of SEO. Google can actually penalize websites for performing back links inappropriately or submitting back links on low-quality websites. The latest Google algorithms disregard any paid schemes for back links.

Google targets websites:

Many website owners often feel directly targeted when their website falls in search engine rankings. Google can demonstrate a slight penalization of websites, but it never directly penalizes websites which are not under its own properties or due to a conflict of interest. The search engine algorithm doesn’t have a vendetta against your company, you just aren’t optimizing your page according to the latest algorithm standards.

SEO adapts with signals from users:

SEO is far more than just sales. CTR’s and user signals can be a big aspect of behaviour but there are some methods that can be used to improve user signals over time. A high number of page impressions with low CTRs indicates that there is much work to be done.

Keywords are the only way to succeed:

Keyword research is just one part of SEO. Capturing rich snippet information, working on page speed and compatibility all fall into SEO.

Google AdWords has nothing to do with SEO:

Optimizing your paid advertising can be just as important as optimizing your page for search engine algorithms. AdWords often works as a signal for search engines, especially as your page is starting to grow with views.

Fresh content is always going to rank better:

Fresh content is important to your SEO strategy but changing the publishing date on all the articles or updating viral articles, may not find you the same success. Focusing on promoting the content that works can sometimes be the most important path.

Social Runs SEO:

Social signals can be important to sculpting your content for the future, but they are not an overly important SEO ranking factor. Your social content is an important aspect of online marketing, but your social media outreach isn’t doing as much for SEO as you may think.

SEO can’t be learned:

Many people feel as though SEO signals are best left to the professionals. SEO really can be taken as a learned approach. It’s easy to use SEO driven data to make modifications to your website and improve it with the right training.

If you are interested in learning more about SEO myths, be sure to contact our experts at Startup-N -Marketing today.